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Corner Books

Find amazing deals on used books, DVDs, and more at Corner Books! Shop bestsellers, classics, and kids' titles at bargain prices. All proceeds support the library. Shop now and discover your next great read!

Store Hours

Monday - Saturday

10 - 4 pm

Book Donations Are Welcomed!

Thank you for bringing your gently used books

Please bring up to two bags or boxes of books per week

Corner Books does not accept:

  • textbooks
  • magazines and catalogs
  • books that are smelly, moldy, or foxed (with spots)
  • books with highlighting, tears, or water damage

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What's hot, what's new

find thriller books at our store

Find current and recent bestsellers by favorite mystery and spy authors including Daniel Silva, Brad Taylor, Janet Evanovich, Patricia Cornwell, Stuart Woods, Cara Black, Clive Cussler and Tom Clancy — all priced to thrill.

find books for all ages at corner books

From board books and early readers to classic novels, young adult and a host of fantasy series, we’ve got something fabulous in store for kids of all ages.

dvds and cds sales corner books

Check out our large selection of CDs, movies, and hit television series.

CDs are just $1 a pop and DVDs are $2 and up.

corner books volunteers needed
Volunteer at Corner Books

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