What are the emergency contacts for my area?
Check this page for local links to information about:
Emergency Links
Call 9-1-1 if there is an emergency
An emergency is a situation that threatens human life or property and demands immediate attention.
Do not call 9-1-1 for non-emergencies - this causes delays in the handling of real emergencies.
Register to receive emergency notification or information about your specific area.
Receive alerts from local public safety departments & schools. Text your ZIP CODE to 888777 to register.
Tiburon Police has implemented an program to educate residents on how to protect themselves and their families against all types of disasters - and how to Get Ready!
Locate information about emergency incidents and evacuation notices.
Non-Emergency Links & Contact Information
Note: The Southern Marin Fire Protection District serves Strawberry and approximately 1/3 of the Town of Tiburon.
Commuter Information
Local Government Agencies
Weather & Tides
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