Ken Weil
Ken Weil has lived in Tiburon for 10 years. He and his wife, Chris, moved here from New York to live closer to their daughter and newborn grandson.
Ken received his Masters degrees in Library Science and Public Administration from Long Island University. For 27 years he was the Library Director of four Public Libraries on Long Island’s North Shore, including three that underwent major expansions. In his last position he oversaw the construction of a new 48,000 sq. ft. library known for its traditional and innovative library services. He was also an Adjunct Professor at City University of New York teaching courses in library administration.
Among other professional endeavors he was the President of the Nassau County Library Association, a Board Member of the Long Island Library Resources Council and an appointee to the New York State Regents Advisory Council on Libraries.
In Tiburon, Ken was active in the Hawthorne Terrace Neighborhood Group and more recently one of the proponents of the Hawthorne Undergrounding District.
Ken enjoys traveling, reading, taking long walks, and enjoying all that Marin and San Francisco have to offer.