Donor Listing
The Belvedere Tiburon Library and the Library Foundation are grateful for every contribution received in support of the ongoing Capital Campaign.
We are pleased to recognize all donors who have made a contribution of $2,000 or more to the current Capital Campaign.
On behalf of the Library Agency Board and the Foundation Board of Directors, please accept our deepest appreciation for your generosity in ensuring our community has a modern 21st century library.
We couldn’t be more grateful for your support!
$250,000 and up
Jennifer Peak Barker
Marie and Lawrence Feldman
Carolyn and Peter Friedman Foundation
Genevieve Anderson Trust
Katharine Johnson
Ina McInnis Tabibian and David Lake
Florence Miner
Gloria Miner
Patricia and Carl Reichardt
Stephen Silberstein
Charan and Sylvia Singh
Judy Webb
Barbara and Mordechai Winter
$50,000 to $249,999
Acacia Foundation
Akin Family Foundation
The Winifred and Harry Allen Foundation
R. Douglas Norby and Susan Anderson
Tom Gram and Janice Anderson-Gram
Belvedere Tiburon Library Art Committee
Belvedere Community Foundation
Sydne and Allan Bortel
Brenda Brinker Bottum
Kevin Burke and Jeff Ferguson
Pia and Matt Cohler
Donna and Ken Coit
Shahla Cowan
Drs. Lois and Charles Epstein
Barry and Victoria Fong
Gay and Wyman Harris
The Herbst Foundation
Kaye Chapman Hiatt
Olivia Hsu Decker
Hugo Hermann Trust
Judy and Bob Huret
Pepper and Michael Jackson
William N. Jackson
Sylvia Jacob
William and Gretchen Kimball Fund
Koret Foundation
Duff, Carol and Mikayla Kurland
Noelle Leca and Michael Moradzadeh
Melanie and Peter Maier
Charlotte Morrison
Price Family Foundation
Rose Roven and Susan Cummins
Lori and Jeff Runnfeldt
Chara Schreyer and Gordon Freund
$5,000 to $49,999
Stacy and Lionel Achuck
Charles "Chuck" Edward Auerbach
Ann Aylwin and Bill Smith
Arthur Bailey
Kate Solari Baker and Cameron Baker
Lynn Wellman Barr and Allen Barr
Azita Mujica
Ann Bolger and Ronald Helow
Carole and Marvin Breen
Pat and John Carapiet
Ruth Carlson
Genevieve and Bryan Chapman
Friends and Family of Sydney Kaplan
Susan Cluff and Neil Rudolph
Renee and John Coker
Gayle and Ron Conway
Jean and Tom Cromwell
Janis Crum and James Lynch
Nancy and Starrett Dalton
Mary Defenderfer
AJ and John Dieter
Mai and Volker Dolch
Joan and Hillary Don
Jane C. Dudley
ADM James O. Ellis and Dr. Elisabeth Pate-Cornell
Theresa and Ronald Epstein
Jim and Emily Levorsen
Jaleh and Dr. Galen Etemad
B. F. and Mary Falk
Whitney Lee and Paul Falzone
Deb and Tom Feo
Mary C. Fishman
Jeff Foran and Karen Price
Cathy Brooks Fox
Alice Fredericks and Neal Benowitz
Michelle and Robert Friend
Spencer and Rena Fulweiler
Diane and Todd Garrett
Annette and Fred Gellert
Pamela and Daniel Goldman
Barbro and Frank Greene
Lorrie and Richard Greene
Hadley General Contractors, Inc.
James and Donna Hale
Andrea Hong, James Parsons, Kristina Parsons
I'Lee and Tony Hooker
Cecily and Kenneth Houston
Karen and Richard Hyde
Martha C. and David C. Irmer
Beverlee Johnson
Sharon and Robert Kahn
Susan and Justin Kelly
Nancy and Bryan Kemnitzer
Arthur Kern
Julie LaNasa and John Kunzweiler
Kelly and Martin Lauber
Leo and Miriam G. Bodian Living Trust
Anne and Ken Hammer
In Memory of Edward and Paula Little
Caroline and Allen Littman
Heather and Judson Lobdell
Katherine and Jeffrey Ma
Marin Community Foundation
Pamela Martori and Robert McCaskill
Claire McAuliffe and Woodward Kingman
Bonnie and Tom McCloskey
Dennis McDonald
Janice and Steve Meisel
The Purple Lady/Barbara J. Meislin
Sumaya and Edward Miner
Noelle Montgomery and Dan Janney
Sue Morris
Jane and Barry Moss
Lilian and D.B. Murray
Nancy Nimick
Jessica O'Dwyer and Tim Berger
Richard Otter
Ellen and John Parsons
Lynn and Richard Payne
JaMel and Thomas Perkins
Carol and Tom Perot
Carolie Pescatello
Fredric Postle
Tom and Gwen Price
Stephanie Pugash
Roxanne and Albert Richards
Robert and Judith Leet Charitable Fund
Shana Rohde-Lynch and Ed Lynch
Joan and Kenneth Rosenthal
Linda and Jeff Rosenthal
Mary and David Rosenthal
The Rotary Club of Tiburon-Belvedere Foundation
Pam and Ron Rubin
Sam's Anchor Cafe
Betsy and John Scarborough
Susan Schneider
Terry and Dennis Schwakopf
Suzannah and Peter Scully
Alice and Richard Shelton
Nancy Sumner and Jeff Slavitz
Polly Smith
Ann and Martin Soja
Louis and Bonnie Spiesberger
Patti and David Stadlin
Julie and Andrew Stanton
Dana, Rich, Lauren and Sarah Steele
Elle and Paul Stephens
Kathleen and Larry Stoehr
Aldea and Chris Sundt
Tiburon Sunset Rotary Foundation
Dina and Bill Tiedje
Janice Titchell
Carol and Norman Traeger
Marjorie and Barry Traub
Lisa Trusheim
Elizabeth Ury
Christina Wang
Christine and Ken Weil
Ingrid and William Wheeler
Susan and Robert Wolfe
Laleh and Edward Zelinsky
$2,000 to $4,999
Anonymous (4)
Shaliz Afshar
Doris and Todd Ahlsten
Laura Alber and Ned Klingelhofer
Niran and Daniel Amir
Saeedeh Amirkhizi and Davoud Sadeghi
Peter J. Andersen
Carol and Andy Anderson
Amanda and John Anderson
Bank of America Foundation
Bank of America Matching Gifts
Geri Barsotti
Ida Baugh and John Herrington
Joan and Don Bekins
Carol and Leslie Benet
Paula and James Berg
Susan and Robert Bernheim
Nancy and Walt Bilofsky
J. Michael and Kathryn Bishop
Loren Block
Dana Winn and Steve Block
Christine and George Bo-Linn
Aviva and Karl Boedecker
Kimberley and David Brody
Shelley Brown and Jay Bellin
Arlene Buechert
Lynn and Peter Callander
James Campbell and Adam Gavzer
Lois Cannady
Louise and Angelo Capozzi
Diane and Rob Cassil
Marie and Michael Cavanagh
Leelee and Michael Chang
Taissa Cherry and Jay LaBourene
Nancy Chiu
Bunny and David Cobb
Maureen Corcoran and Maurice LeVois
Pamela Dekema and Richard Champe
Ginny and Phil DeMaria
Helene Denebeim
Tara and Peter Dickson
Michele and Doug Dillard
Charles and Joan Dresow
Anne and Lawrence Drew
Lisa Edwards and Charles Hornbrook
Mary and David Eklund
Jacqueline and Joshua Endler
Sandra Donnell and Justin Faggioli
Jean and Jeremy Fair
Meifang Xie and Jikang Fang
Melissa Purdy Feagin and John Randle Feagin
Brandon J. Fong and Sarah A. McPhee
Julia E. Fong and Emily A. Fong
Ryan J. Fong
George R. and Elise M. Fink Foundation
Ellen Fuerst and Michael Jacobs
Joan Garrett
Kamala Geroux Berry and David Berry
Jade and Jesse Goranson
Michelle and Ben Gottlieb
Diane Green and R. Tyler Andersen
Christa Grenawalt Gurevich
Sallie Griffith
Linda Gruber
Francine Halberg and Terry Kessler
Judith Ward and Rod Hall
Clarrie Hanley
The Nancy G. and Robert C. Harris Fund
Allison and Matt Hart
Peggy and Marc Hayman
Emily and Robert Heller
Stephanie and Jon Helman
Beatrice Bailey Herrick and Hannah I'Lee Herrick
John Hetherington
Hilltop Group Charitable Foundation
Jillian and Matthew Hochstetler
Sue Hoeschler
Barton Hoey
Christine Hooker and Joeseph Coulson
Daphne Hooker and Daniel and Benjamin Ferst
Aet and Chris Hooper
Ann and Dunbar Hoskins
Alison and Lyman Howard
Phoebe Howard
Nancy Hudson
Molly Hynes
Gabriella and Glenn Isaacson
Denise Ivory
Jenny and George Jackoboice
Tina and James Jacobsen
Dennis and Paula Jaffe
Dawn and Robert Kennedy
Jewish Community Endowment Fund
Astrid and Steger Johnson
Ken and Maureen Johnson
Jyll Johnstone and Michael Davis
Reese Jones
Joyce and Saburo Kami
Gee Kampmeyer
Amy Kaufman and Hector Saldivar
Julie and Russ Keil
Catherine Kennedy and Dan Grossman
Lisa Klairmont and Harold Kleiderman
Sara Klein and Jack Ryan
Eileen and Robert Kulperger
Ann and Tad Lacey
George Landau
Katie and Owen Leary
Uma and George Lerner
Audrey and Michael Levernier
Mimi and Walter Levison
Trygve Liljestrand
Roy and Betsy Little
Diane Liu and Mark Freiberg
Katherine Y. Look
Lisa Lori
Carolyn I. Losee
Lynn and Craig Lubbock
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lucheta
Diane Lynch
Steven and Susan Machtinger
Barbara Malatesta
Chenin and John Malloy
Marlowe and Marc Matoba
Deborah Mazzolini
Katie and Justin McCarthy
Keri McCarthy Ferry and Ian Ferry
Sarah and Danny McNamara
Kristin Kemnitzer and Adam McNeile
Tara and Bryan Meehan
Gail and Alec Merriam
Christine and Robert Miller
Tim and Christina Millikin
Barbara Morrison
Lynne and Bruce Munro
Jannette and Paul Mussche
Zey Nasser and Matthew Knowles
Law Offices of Paul H. Nathan
William W. Newland
Mo Newman
Arlene and Chip Nielsen
Lynn Olson
Rachael Ong and Dihraj Bamola
Dawn and John Owen
Gig and Mel Owen
Nancy Parker
Lynn Pasternak
Christine and Vivek Patel
Mauree Jane Perry
Joni and Russell Pratt
Barbara Bonfigli and Marilynn Preston
Becky and Bob Pringle
Jennifer Rasmussen and Daren Wein
Red and White Fleet
Mila Reif
Amy Rennert and Louise Kollenbaum
In Memory of Nancy and Harvey Rogers
Aurora and Javier Rojas
Patti and Stephen Root
Jane E. Rosen and Jay A. Kellett
Ruth and Richard Rozen
Dr. and Mrs. Alan L. Rubin
Alison Russell and George Brewster
Barbara and John Russell
Robyn and Robert Rutledge
Jennifer and Raul Saavedra
Bruce Sams
Cynthia and Stephen Schneider
Steven and Sally Schroeder
Ellyn and Alan Seelenfreund
Nisha and Niraj Shah
Carole and Douglas Sheft
Helen Shin
Renee and Tom Shurstad
Cindy Brinker Simmons
Carol and Joe Slamovich
Suzanne and Harry Smith
Cheryl Sorokin
Henry and Cole Spencer
Sally and Norm Spencer
Margaret and Richard Stoehr
Susan and P.J. Svanfeldt
Sandra Swanson
Thelma and Lewis Taich
Teresa and Eric Tate
Christine and John Telischak
Gladys Thacher in Memory of I'Lee Hooker
The Nancy G. and Robert C. Harris Fund
Holli, Benji and Jaque Thier
Madelon Timmons and William Miller
Judith Tobin and Michael Baker in Memory of I'Lee Hooker
Emilie and Brett Trimble
Ann and Marshall Turner
The Uplands Family Foundation
Marcia and Mario Valente
Katherine and Stephen Van Dusen
Patricia and Luis Vidal
Anne-Marie and David S. Walker
Sherry and Aaron Wangenheim
Susan and Sam Warburg
Liz and Jeff Webb
Faith Wheeler and John Lamar
Lizzie and David Wiener
Chris and Steve Wilsey
Michelle and Trevor Wilson
Tina and Gary Wolk
Beth and Mark Wolly
Gloria and William Wong
Michael W. Wong
Nikki and Jim Wood
Patricia and David Young
Gary, Alex, Robbie and Zoe Fisher
Up to $1,999
Anonymous (16)
Linda Abraham
Betsy and Paul Ache
Barbara Adler
Donna Alban
James and Patricia Albo
James C. Allen
Suzanne and Jeff Appleman
Susan R. and John E. Ardell III
Sylvia Arias-Montez and Omar Arias
Pat and Jack Armstrong
Amy Ashinsky
Carrie and Eric Ask
Donald and Ellen Atkins
Bruce Auld
Mary Bachman and William Downing
Barbara Bailey
Christopher Bailey
Jennifer and Brian Bank
Patricia Bannon
Shirley and Stephen Barker
Charles Barlow
Cedric Barringer
Alice and Richard Barron
Charlene Barshefsky and Edward Cohen
Dilys Bart and Tyler Shelton
Lee and Franklin Battat
Lieselotte Bauer
Larry Bazzani
Catharine Beaulieu and Allan Cadgene
Charlene and James Bechtelheimer
Susan and Bill Beech
Melanie Beene
Alicia Bell
Laura Bellows
Linda Berg
Miles and Piper Berger
Joan Bergsund
Donna and David Bero
Robert Berry
Sally Bingham
Jeffrey Birnbaum
Shannan and Stephen Bishop
Kevin Blair
Babette and Sydney Bloch
Catherine Blumberg
Susan and Mark Blumenthal
Tim Bogan and Richard McCarthy
Peter Bortel
Christina and Darin Bosch
M. Madeline Boshart
Ann Bovee
Mary Bowles and Martin Perlmutter
Janet Braff
Rena Bransten
Lee Braun
Jennifer Breslouf
Michael Bridge
Anne and Herb Briggin
Evelin and Paul Brinich
Randall and William Brinkman
Maureen Broderick and David Thompson
Carol Brooks
Melanie Brooks
Brenda and Donal Brown
Faith and Stephen Brown
Mary and Robert Brown
Patsy and Thomas Brown
Nancy and Hank Bruce
Lori and John Buckley
Mary Lu Buich
Crystal Burke
Katharine and James Burke
Karla Burkitbayeva
John and Gretchen Busterud
Anne and Jerry Butler
Gina C Kuester
Maura Thurman and Thom Calandra
Mary and Robert Callender
Victoria Camelio and Michael Fisch
Jack and June Campbell
Carol and Richard Canady
Richard Cantrell
Lisa and Jeff Carlin
Carol Forell
Jeanette and Martin Carr
Heidi Cary
Joan and Charles Caviness
David Abbot Chambers
Winnie Chang
Donna Chazen
Chevron Matching Gifts
Jane and Avery Chope
George Chu and Celine Hu
Margo and John Clements
Malcolm Coffey
Monica and Matt Coleman
Geoffrey and Lynette Collins
Rosalind Colver
Dolores Conlan
Winston Conrad
Eleanor Coppola
Alice Corning
Paul Corning
Adele Corvin
Phoebe Cowles
Constance Cox
Laura Cox and Jay Cohen
Stone Coxhead
Katherine and Gregg Crawford
Jacqueline Crews
Walter G. Crump III
Janet Cushing
Susan and Michael Dab
Elizabeth Dakin
Donald and Jeanne Dana
Janet and Sid Daru
Donald Davis
Geraldine and Jay Davis
Louise de Vries
Christina Decker
Suzanne and Richard Decker
Karen DeLise
Ruth and Bob Dell
Chris and Derek Denniston
Jerome and Nancy Denz
Garrett DeYulia
Debra Diaz
Gil and Patsy Diekman
Virginia Doyle
Kimberly Draeger
Elizabeth Duff and Jeff Turnbaugh
Darby and Lawrence Duke
Jacquelyn Dunn and Kurt Ellison
Martha and Anthony Eason
Chris Egeberg
Peggy and David Elgart
Adam Epstein
Jean and Bobby Epstein
Sandra and Edwin Epstein
Caroline Errington
Judith Ets-Hokin
Chase and Charles Ewald
Andrew Fairbanks
Joan and Fred Falender
Leon Farley
Tawnie and John Farmer
Julia Faucett
Sasha Faulkner
Cristen and Arif Fazal
Thomas Fazioli
Anne Fazioli-Khiari
Jennifer Fearon
Susan and Daniel Federman
Jennifer and Marshall Feldman
Marcia and Roger Felton
David Fenster
Rita Fink
Norman and Susan Finke
Debra and Derek Fisher
Aparajita Fishman
Desmond Fitzgerald
David and Julie Flaherty
Philip and Carol Flax
Nancy Floyd and William Glasgow
Tracy Flynn
Lisa Fonarow
Barbara and Stewart Foreman
Maria Formanek
Keith Cox
Jack Foster
Sharyn Foster
Johanna and Paul Fox
Lynn Fox
Alan Freeman
Ellen Friedman and Byron Brown
Catherine and Mattew Frymier
Georgann Fuller
Priscilla Gaines
Paula and John Gambs
Barbara Garcia-Romero
Phyllis Garrick
Barbara Garza-Brickley
Monica Geme
Charles Geoly
Joan Getz
Christopher Gill
Joseph Gillach
Paul Gliebe
George Gnoss
Jennifer and Geoff Goddard
Roberta Goldberg
Golden Gate Philharmonic
Ira Goldfine
Susan and Richard Goldwasser
Kaysie and Don Goodenough
Charles Gordon
Esme and Roy Gordon
Marjorie A. Gordon
Patricia Goss
Janice Goto
Joy Graustark and Larry Oesterich
Geraldine Green
Hannah and Richard Greenberg
Deborah Greenspan
Joan and Robert Griffin
Joyce and Martin Griffin
Mary Griffin
Judith and Jonathan Groesbeck
Shelby and Marshall Gross
Deborah Breiner and John Grund
Michelle Guchereau
Karen Gullett
Zvi Guterman and Michal Steinberg
Kristina and Paul Hackwell
Courtney Hagen and Michael Wilson
Deborah Halpern
Kay K. Hamilton
Jo Haraf
Muriel Harris
Nancy and Scott Harris
Bonnie Hart
Robert and Elizabeth L. Hart
Gail Harter
Jennifer and Christopher Hartung
Amy and Michael Hayes
Gillian Hayward
Ann-Eve Hazen
Craig and Pamela Healy
Amy Heinz
William Heydorn
Bronia and Chase Hill
Jennifer Wang and Jeffrey Hille
Christine Hinkley
Sandra and Charles Hobson
Kirstin Hoefer and Robert Brown
Janelle and Robert Hofeditz
Jean Hoffmire
Irene and Hossein Hoghooghi
Holscher Architecture
Ami Hontalas
Jennie Hooker and Tallulah and Millie Hearn
Juliet Hooker
H. Earl Hoover II
Susan Howard
Robin F. Hudnut
Derek and Carol Hudson
Eva Hudson
Linda and Stephen Hulley
Lee Humphrey
Ann and Stephen Hunt
Lander Hynes
Jane Jacobs
Evelyn Jaffe
Helene and Stephen Jaffe
Judith James
Arthur Jampolsky
Barbara Janis
Barbara Jay
Cilla Jelf
Susan Malone and John Jenkins
Cynthia Jensen
Helen Johns
Kristin M Johnson
Michael and Anne Jones
Francoise Joulad and Ron Lieberman
David and Sydney Joyner
Jeanette Kadesh
Robert and Jane Kahan
Fred Kanter
Judith and Ira Kanter
Brian and Jill Kasser
Susan Kay
Gabrielle Keil
Roberta Keiler
Robert Kennis
Margaret Keon
Jane and Jon Kimball
H. Stuart Kinder
Meta Kirschbaum
Liz Kissell
Charlotte Kissling
Kathryn Supple Klein and Thomas B. Klein
Kathy Klein and Scott Fink
Janette and William Knick
Nancy and Richard Koch
Harriet and Thomas Kostic
Allan and Rebecca Jergesen
Evgeny Krevets
Janis Kritzer
Constance Kroeck
Joy Kuhn and Eugene McCabe
Geri and William Kuhns
Nikos and Aleko Kuvelis
Elena Kwan
Kathleen Kwentus
Lois Laitinen
Ruby Laitinen
Heather and Jeff Lamb
Amit Lamba
Mary Lang
Carla Lantier
Marsha and Michael Lasky
Stephen Lauck
Monica and Jeffrey Lax
Barbara and Bill Leder
Ginny Lee
Lee and Stuart Pollak Philanthropic Fund
Enid Leff
Alexandra and Robert Leitstein
Naomi and Robert Leonard
Barbara Leopold and Fred Kantor
Adam Levi
Susan and Stuart Levin
Frank and Kristin Levinson
Lindsay and Mark Levy
Susan and Henry Lewis
Lois Limbach
Jean and Norton Lin
Donald Linker
Emory Williams and Lucy Liu
Cynthia Livermore
Barbara and Lawrence Lonn
Rockwell and Anita Lowe
Kay Lowney and Cary Dakin
John and Sarah Lowry
Janis Luft
Susan and William Lukens
The Lumpkin Foundation
Claus and Carolyn Lund
Amy Lutz
Gay Lynch
Joan and Steve Lynch
Heather Macdonald
Donald and Brenda MacLean
Connie and Gregory Maddox
Francine Magness
Kathleen Maher
Jan Maisel and Doug Currens
Constance Majoy and Philip Woodward
Ernie and Ann Mamallo
Marin Luxury Cars
Eileen and Toby Marion
Jane and Carl Martin
James Martinoni
Margaret Mason and David Barker
Peter Mason
Brian Matas
Gloria and Paul Matoba
Alexander Mazour
Barbara and Richard McAuliffe
Donna McCampbell
Michael and Keira McCarthy
Benita McConnell
Andy and Judith McCord
Joan and Roger McGee
Jane and Rick McGuire
Consuelo McHugh
Amy and James McIntyre
Carol and Joseph McLaughlin
Ellen McLoughlin and Thomas Hall
Eileen and Peter McSherry
Mary McSweeney
Ilene Medovich
Carolyn Mehta
Stephanie Mendel
Annie and Dudley Mendenhall
Pamela Miles
Debbie Miller
Felicienne Miller
Sheldon and Alice Miller
The Mittelman Family
Elizabeth Moffet
Anne Moffet Ciranni and Michael Ciranni
Phillip Moffitt
Julio and Barbara Montero
Sharon and Edward Montero
Amal Moorad
Peggy and William Moorhouse
Maura Morey
Neva and Marvin Moskowitz
Donna Motluk and Stuart Bewley
Olga Murray
Ryan Murray
Nancy Thompson
Christine and Andreas Neumeier
Donald Newhouse
Diana Nhuch
Janice Nichols
Kathy Niggeman
Helaine Noble
Shirlee and Marcelino Noguiero
Thomas C. Nord
Joanne Norman
Mike North
Jennifer and Andrew Northrop
Cathy and Robert Nourafshan
Holly Nyerges and Jay Hooker
Kristin O'Brien
Cynthia and Emmett O'Donnell
Moira and James O'Neal
Peggy and Tom O'Neill
Yuri Okane and Gary Cookhorn
Benjamin R. Okulski
Carol Oldham
Scott Ollendorff
Thomas and Carol Ollendorff
Dena Oppenheim
Maureen Orth
Joseph Ostrow
Keiko Otsu
Jennifer and Troy Overboe
Thomas Owen
Thomas Pagano
Kathleen Palmer
Joan Palmero
Maxine Papadakis and William Seaman
Andreas Papageorge
Debbie Parker
Gertrud and Harold Parker
Kathryn and Jay Parnes
Margaret Partlow
Helen and Blair Pascoe
Susanna Paterson
Jamianne and Douglas Patterson
Joyce and Gil Pavlovsky
Jon Peddie
Robin Pennell
Mitch Perkins
Michael Perozzi
P. J. Perring
Ellen Pesavento
Paige and Dave Petrini
Janet and Donn Pickett
Sharon Pillsbury
Pinecrest Fund- SF Foundation
Laura and Donald Pino
Megan and Peter Pirsch
J. Russell Pitto
Stephanie and Jon Plexico
Tora Newcomer Poeter
Bruce and Alysa Polkes
Elanor and Peter Pomeroy
Marti Boatwright and David Potter
Patricia O. Powell
Aimee and Gregory Price
Jeanne Price
Eileen Prisbe
Robert and Leslie Pritchard
Ellin and Ned Purdom
John Everett
Sujoya and Arun Raghupathy
Frank Rahmani
Sally Rankin
Karen Rasmussen
Nancy Ream
James Redfern
Jane and C. Lawson Reed
Kappy and Mark Reed
Jill and Phil Reiser
Robert Reiser
Romney Resney and David Sandrich
Robin Hauser Reynolds
Stephanie Ricardo
Daphne Rippon
Barbara and Eric Roberts
Barbara Rogers
Colleen and Robert Rogers
Jeanne Romano
Teri Roney
Ruth and Mel Ronick
Ellen Rony
Carma Rose
Debra and Robert Rosenbaum
Robert Rosenbluth
Bonnie Ross and Jordan Eth
April Rox
Michael and Gloria Roy
Stephanie and Scott Rupp
Gloria Ruppert
Marianne and Burton Rutkin
Amity and Brian Sadigursky
Susan Sagy
Georgia Sales
Ellen and Walter Sanford
Alan Sankin
Sarasy Trust
Carla Saunders
Colin Saunders
Beverly Savitt
Lynn and James Scadden
Christine Schirmer
Richard and Phyllis Schlobohm
Peter Schneiderman
Alyene and Scott Schneidewind
Dianne and Ed Schroedter
Helen and Fred Schwartz
Russell Schweickart and Nancy Ramsey
Robert B. Sellers
Alice Semleu
Katrina and Ed Sent
Kathryn Shaefer
Lori and Glenn Shannon
Jennifer and Michael Shepard
Sally-Jean and James Shepard
Ann Sheridan and Joseph Miller
Diana and Richard Shore
Maria and Kip Shuman
Jill Sideman
Pamela Sieck
Mr. and Mrs. John Siedhoff
Matthew and Judi Sills
Ginny Sjoberg
Diane Sklar and Wayne Gilbert
Sally and Joseph Small
Diane and Larry Smith
Ellen and E. Payson Smith
Glenn Smith
Kay and Roger Smith
Lorraine Smith
Sandy and Stan Smith
Marcia Smolens and Richard Rubin
Richard Snyder and Paul Wiseman
Helen Solinger
Judith and George Somers
Lida and Kaveh Soofer
Rhonda and Fereydoon Soofer
Steve Spiesberger
Edith and Howard Spindler
Lynn Spitler and Ted Eger
Petra Spivey
Alyce Sporer
Donald and Christine Stammer
Peyton and Jeffrey Stein
Beverly and Don Stephens
William Stephens
Julie and John Stewart
Lynn and Steve Stewart
Brad Storm
Alberta Stornetta
Ruth and Larry Stotter
Janet Strauss and Jeffrey Hawkins
June and Brian Strunk
Joyce Stupski
Bonnie Sudler and Alan Steier
Maggie Sun
Rich and Susan Sundberg
Courtney and Stephen Svajian
Carol Svetcov
Richard Sweet
Jeffrey Swett
Laurence and Ann Sykes
Mary Beth Taggert
Paul Tandler
Ilana Tandowsky
Joyce Tayer
Judith and Irvin Taylor
Marit Taylor
Barbara Temby
The Lisa R. Bornstein Fund
Morley Thompson
Michelle and David Thomsen
Jane Thornton
Kathryn Thyret
James To
Janet and Udi Toledano
John and Debra Tomsky
Daniel Toth
Bickley Townsend
Pamela Travis-Moore
Yvonne Tseng
Victoria and Barrett Tucker
Karen Tuder
Patricia Tunnard
George and Nancy Turon
Jeanne and Peter Tymstra
UBS Matching Gift Program
United Way Bay Area
Nancy and Sidney Unobskey
Georgene and Kirk Usher
Lani Valentine
Michael Valliant
Cres Van Keulen
Judith Vaughan
Emily and Ritch Viola
Julia Violich
Mary Von Kaesborg
Linda Wagner
Edward Waller
Betty Wallerstein
Robert Wallerstein
Lavern Walsh
Peter Walter
Chistine and Dennis Walther
Isabelle and John Wang
William and Robyn Watson
Alan and Julie Weber
Liat and Tim Weingarten
Carol Weiss
Wells Fargo Foundation
Robin and James Wheeler
Blessing White
Jan Whittingham
Margaret Wiegandt
Roberta Williamson and John Gilman
Joan Wilson
Meryl Wisenbaker
Hiala Witt
Sandra Mellow Wolf
Janice Woo and Michael Wong
Dellie and Doug Woodring
Diane and Tony Wynshaw-Boris
Yale Yee
Jill Einstein and Peter Yolles
Ruth D. Young
Rene Zakhour
Ron Zech
Roberta and Murray Zucker
This honor roll reflects those donors who have made a contribution of $2,000 or more to the Capital Campaign for the period beginning July 1, 2006 to the present.
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this list and we apologize for any inadvertent errors.
Please contact Michelyn Good, Director of Operations for the Library Foundation at 415.789.2651 or [email protected] to report any omissions or inaccuracies so we may correct our records.