Back to All FAQs How do I suggest an event to the library? Choose FAQ: All FAQs... How can I volunteer at the library? How do I get a library card? How do I get help with my computer? How do I leave a comment or suggestion? How do I reserve a computer? How do I search for an obituary? How do I suggest a book or material to the library? How many items can I check out? And for how long? What are the emergency contacts for my area? When will the donor tiles be installed? Where are the meeting rooms in this area? Where can I donate my books? Where can I find exam proctoring services? Who are my elected officials? We appreciate your interest in suggesting a program for presentation at the Library. Suggest an event Name First Last Email PhoneProgram descriptionName of presenter Short description of the programEvent Type Crafts/ Hobbies Performance/ Arts Talk/ Lecture Workshop Activity Audience Adult Senior Teen Children All Ages PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Contact us Check-Out Desk (415) 789-2658 [email protected] Information Desk (415) 789-2661 [email protected] Stay connected Read our blog Browse the full staff directory