Meet the Foundation

The Belvedere Tiburon Library Foundation is a grassroots organization championing a public library system that meets our community’s needs.

The Foundation is the Library’s fundraising partner, advocating for increased access to literacy and technology since 1992.

Our community-wide projects and private philanthropic events allow the Library to maintain its programs and expand its collections and resources.


Lucy Churton, President

Mickey Hubbell, Vice President

Michelle Thomsen, Secretary

Toni Lee, Treasurer


Ann Aylwin

Aviva Boedecker

Brenda Bottum

Lauren Cromwell

Sophia Ghaffary

Heather Lobdell

Sylvia Singh

Marty Winter

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Email: [email protected]

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Belvedere Tiburon Library Foundation
A 501 C-3 Not-for-profit corporation
Tax ID # 68-0280522
P.O. Box 483
Tiburon, CA 94920