A Message from the Library Foundation
Happy Holidays to you and your loved ones!
I hope this message finds you in good health and happy spirits as we embark on a new season of good cheer and heartfelt celebrations.
For many of us, this is the time of year when we make significant contributions to our favorite non-profits and we are grateful for any amount of support for the Library Foundation.
I hope you will consider including the Belvedere Tiburon Library Foundation in your plans for your year-end giving. Your contribution can make a tremendous difference in helping us reach our $2M+ goal of closing the Capital Campaign.
This ambitious campaign is bringing the community a cutting-edge, 21st-century library for residents of all ages to explore and enjoy.
Exciting progress has been made in the new building as you’ll see in the images below. The back parking lot off Mar West is now fully functional, allowing for curbside services to serve more patrons even more conveniently.
In addition to the larger main library with an expanded cathedral-like nave, stunning new reading room designs, as well as the beloved Fink Reading Room, the newly expanded areas, will include rooms dedicated to innovation, technology, arts and culture, social gatherings, and all kinds of enrichment activities for the whole family to enjoy.
Once we’ve reopened we cannot wait to have you come in and see the new extraordinary Library for yourself. The Belvedere Tiburon Library will no longer be a place to simply check out books: it will be a haven for the arts, local culture, programs, and services for all ages and interests and will be the central gathering hub for communities of Belvedere and Tiburon.
If you haven’t already heard about the Community Donor Wall, I hope you will consider a donation in support of this special memorial. All donors who have given a cumulative gift of $2,000 or more to the Capital Campaign since July 1, 2006, will have their (or their family’s) name engraved on a gorgeous granite and bronze installation, which will feature prominently at the Library’s new entrance and live there in perpetuity in appreciation of the hundreds of donors who have made this endeavor possible.
Your gift can make all the difference in the world! Whether you give $100, $5,000, or more, each contribution helps us move closer to the finish line. We would be most grateful if you would consider making a year-end contribution as we wrap up the final stages of this spectacular community project.
Thank you in advance for considering a gift to the Belvedere Tiburon Library Foundation—and we hope you will consider adding your name to the growing list of patrons who will be listed on the Community Donor Wall!
With appreciation,
Rachael Ong
Belvedere Tiburon Library Foundation