Excavation Is Complete
The unseasonably dry weather has made the excavation process much cleaner and efficient with no real need to de-water the site as the digging progressed to just above the ground water table level.
All the incidental site demolition is also complete, which means the foundation preparation of fabric panels and drain rock have been placed in the excavated area as the precursor to the forming and pouring of the concrete slab on grade, which will be occurring in the next few weeks.
By viewing the excavated site it is now possible to see the outline of all the space the expansion will add to the Library.
The new fire sprinkler service has been re-routed and connected to the building system and reviewed with the Tiburon Fire Marshal.
This step has permitted excavation of the area which will be the location of the new Founder’s Room as the existing fire line ran across the building footprint.
The data and telephone lines that crossed the site have been relocated to an aerial system and all service is operational.
Onward and Upward!