Library Expansion Update
The Expansion Project is made up of three sub-projects, namely:
One: the finishing and furnishing of the new, nearly 9,000 square foot expansion building, which will house the enlarged Children’s Library, Art Gallery, Founders Room, Corner Books, Makerspace, Computer Learning Classroom, and conference rooms.
Two: the extensive site work involved with constructing a new 52-space parking lot entering from Mar West Street rather than Tiburon Blvd., shifting the location of Zelinsky Park eastward to make room for the parking lot, creating a new Civic Plaza between the Library and Town Hall and work on Tiburon Blvd. to extend the median strip in front of the Library and elongate the left turn lane to Mar West Street.
Three: the remodeling of the existing Library building to accommodate a new Teen Library, new restrooms, technical and administrative functions, and a reorganization of the adult collections.
The most frequently asked question regarding these projects is: “When will it be finished?”.
Ed Lynch, who recently managed the construction of the New Cove House at the San Francisco Yacht Club, had a wonderful answer to that question. He would say, “We have never been closer.” Defying that wisdom of avoiding stating dates, we dare to make some predictions of completion dates for each of the three sub-projects mentioned above.
Project One, the new building, should be ready for occupancy by September/ October of this year. As soon as it is ready, the plan is to relocate the staff and a good quantity of books into these spaces so work can start on Project Three, the remodeling of the existing library spaces.
Project Two, site work. This project, except for final landscaping, should be mainly completed by September/October of this year.
Project Three, the remodel, should be completed by January/February of the following year.
So, there you have it! Lots to look forward to as we enter the last innings of a rather long and exciting ball game.