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August 6, 2021
By isilva

Library Services Available: An Update

Our digital presence complements our small footprint with a vast collection of resources that you can enjoy using only your library and PIN.

Visit the pop-up library at the curbside from Monday to Saturday, from 10 am to 4 pm.
You can pick up your library materials at the curbside and browse carts of new and bestselling books.
Take a tour of all the resources and services freely available with your library card.

Browse Our Collections

Find Ebooks and Audiobooks:
Libby, Hoopla
Freading, Enki
Stream Movies and Music:
Kanopy, Hoopla
Read Magazines and Newspapers:
Overdrive Magazines
Proquest, Newsbank, EBSCO
Access Wall St Journal, NY Times, Consumer Reports
Other exciting collections to note:
LinkedIn Learning

Explore Our Services

Book a One-on-One
Get research help
Get a personalized reading list
Borrow a device (RokuWiFi HotspotEreader)
Get a museum pass
Print from Anywhere

Plan your Visit to the Library

Get the Marinet app, Apple, Google Play to reserve a book and pick up at the library.
Check our calendar with upcoming events, RSVP, save to your calendar.
Plan a meeting and reserve a conference room/ study room (coming soon!)