News from the Processing & Acquisitions Department
Hello from the Processing and Acquisitions Department (PAD) Team of the Belvedere Tiburon Library!
We are the scene behind the scenes, where Library materials are magically produced. Our team orders, receives, catalogs and prepares the books, music, movies, and magazines that fill the Library shelves.
We help to maintain the collection by weeding older and worn materials, repairing items, and helping the Circulation Department with moving the collection throughout the Library.
We are a four-member team.
Maria Ramirez has been with the Library for many years and is a familiar face at the Circulation Desk. Her Circulation connection dovetails nicely with her responsibilities in PAD, where she helps with preparing library materials, keeps on top of invoice entry into our catalog system, and is continually shifting the collection to make room for new materials.
Gina Vaziri works all over the Library, splitting her time between the Circulation Desk, Administration (where she is a financial wizard), and PAD. Gina places our weekly orders and processes new materials, as well as being an excellent mentor to our assistants.
Shani Boyd works tirelessly with the Library’s large collection of magazines and newspapers, putting out the new, retiring the old, and keeping the catalog true. Shani is very busy, attending school full-time to earn her Master’s in Library Science, and hopes to work in Young Adult Services as a Librarian.
Department Manager, Laura Callahan, began work at the Library in January upon the retirement of Patty McDonough, and delights every day in working with the stellar PAD team.
During the closure this spring and summer, our team worked from home on back-burner projects. There is always a backlog in cataloging and database maintenance.
The PAD moved from the construction zone back office into temporary digs in the Fink Room, where we have the best view in the house of the Tiburon Hills!
We have gradually come back into the Library to work, staggering our workdays.
We didn’t order new materials during the spring but have made up for it this month, bringing in hundreds of new books and movies.
Masked, and gloved, we are very busy in the PAD and throughout the Library, preparing these items for curbside pickup.
Laura Callahan, Cataloging and Acquisitions Manager